My mom always had the very best summer salads. I never quite knew her secret until later in life and this one is too good not to share. It is simply a matter of draining the boiled tomatoes and topping them with a mixture of red wine vinegar and sugar. The end result is, quite simply, amazing!


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Zucchini is almost as versatile as broccoli. Just slice it, dice it, saute it, fry it, bake it and voila…kitchen miracles can happen! I really am not a huge fan of cooked spinach because it reminds me of the canned variety I had to eat as a kid. But fresh spinach with just slight wilting is amazing!

The addition of the hot noodles and roasted zucchini brings this salad to another level. And, don’t forget the Avocado Dressing for an amazing taste sensation!


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YES! I think I finally nailed this recipe. I tasted a kale salad with peanut sauce somewhere in LA several years ago and have been trying to duplicate it. Did I succeed? Nope, but this is even better!


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Hi, I'm Roxanne.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my site.

My family heritage is Italian and French so needless to say, I love preparing meals for family, friends and anyone with an appetite and the openness to try something new.

Please make yourself at home and enjoy! I look forward to your comments and suggestions, feel free to send me a note through the Contact Page.


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