Create Your Own Diet Plan

This menu planner allows you to plan out a calendar of meals using a simple drag-and-drop interface. To begin, open the “Add Recipe” dropdown below and click on a recipe of your choosing.  By default, all recipes are sorted in alphabetical order.  You can use the “Group by” links next to the dropdown if you would prefer to search by course type, cuisine, etc.

Once you’ve selected your recipe, it will appear in a holding area above the menu planner.  From there, you can drag-and-drop the recipe to your desired day/meal in the meal planner.  Once the recipe has been added to the menu planner, it will be available to adjust/delete.  To do so, click on a recipe in the menu planner, then scroll to the bottom of the menu planner. There you will see the highlighted recipe, along with options to change servings, delete from the menu planner, etc.

If you would like to add / edit meals (to add brunch, or supper, for example), you can do so by using the button beneath the menu planner.  Once a new meal is added, you can drag-and-drop it into the desired position.  To remove a meal, simply hover over it, and click the “X” or trash icon.

Drag recipe to your menu:
February 27
Day 9190
February 28
Day 9191
March 1
Day 9192
March 2
Day 9193
March 3
Day 9194
Click on a recipe for more details
Selected Recipe: Selected Recipes:
Ingredient Quantity

About Me

Hi, I'm Roxanne.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my site.

My family heritage is Italian and French so needless to say, I love preparing meals for family, friends and anyone with an appetite and the openness to try something new.

Please make yourself at home and enjoy! I look forward to your comments and suggestions, feel free to send me a note through the Contact Page.


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